Delhi High Court Rejects Plea By Mahua Moitra

The Delhi High Court on Monday dismissed a supplication recorded by Trinamool Congress (TMC) pioneer Mahua Moitra to control Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Nishikant Dubey and advocate Jai Anant Dehadrai from making charges that she took hush-money from finance manager Darshan Hiranandani to pose inquiries in parliament.

Equity Sachin Datta dismissed the break alleviation application documented by Moitra.

“I have excused the order application,” Equity Datta said.

He had saved the decision about this issue on December 20.

The previous MP sued Dubey and Dehadrai for maligning after they claimed that Moitra posed inquiries in parliament and shared her parliament account login qualifications with Hiranandani as a trade-off for favors and costly gifts.

In light of these charges, the Lok Sabha Morals Council had proposed Moitra's expulsion from the lower house following which she was removed from the parliament on December 8, 2023.

Moitra has repelled the charges and has said that Hiranandani is her companion and there has been no renumeration.

She said that claims are essential for political grudges.

Then again, Dehadrai and Dubey have asserted that Moitra gave total admittance to her internet-based Lok Sabha record to Hiranandani who gave something very similar to post-parliamentary inquiries of his enjoying.

50 of the 61 inquiries Moitra posed to in parliament were by Hiranandani, it was guaranteed.

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